Volunteers are the heart and spirit of the Westchester County parks system.

Volunteers in the Parks
Volunteers in the Parks orient visitors to the parks, lead field trips through the nature preserves for local elementary schools, take photographs, help children learn to swim, lead tours of historic sites and help maintain our parks. Our volunteers  come from all walks of life with a variety of skills, abilities, experiences and interests. But they all have one thing in common: a desire to be involved in protecting and preserving the park system for future generations. Westchester County volunteers enjoy a rewarding learning and work experience and have countless opportunities to develop their interests and utilize their skills.

Apply to volunteer
Learn about volunteering.

Other Volunteer Opportunities

  • Administrative assistance
  • Adopt-a-Park program
  • Park ambassadors
  • Trail maintenance
  • Special event assistants
  • Gardening
  • Historic interpretation and preservation
  • Conducting surveys and evaluations
  • Photography
  • Computer programming
  • Join or support the Vine Cutters group, part of the Bronx River Conservancy.