Westchester County Parks Nature Camps
Children entering grades Pre-K through nine can explore and discover the natural environment of Westchester County with fun, hands-on experiences at our nature centers. Each camp will focus on different aspects of nature and teach youngsters about animals, insects, plants and more!

2025 Online resident registration is open.
(Non-resident registration opens March 25 at noon.)
Need help registering? Camp Online Registration Instructions.

One and two-week sessions are offered beginning Monday, July 7, through Friday, Aug. 15, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Campers are allowed three weeks max.

  • Cranberry Lake Preserve, North White Plains
    (914) 428-1005
  • Edith G. Read Wildlife Sanctuary, Rye
    (914) 967-8720
  • Lenoir Nature Preserve, Yonkers
    (914) 968-5851
  • Marshlands Conservancy, Rye
    (914) 835-4466
  • Trailside Nature Museum at Ward Pound Ridge Reservation, Cross River
    (914) 864-7322

Cranberry Lake Nature Camp
The Cranberry Lake Nature Camp fosters an appreciation for the natural world through the hands-on exploration of this beautiful 200-acre nature preserve. From hiking the historic quarry to exploring the wonder of wetlands, campers become immersed in the beauty of nature. 

  • Grades 1 - 3: Happy Campers; six, one-week sessions, Monday, July 7 through Friday, Aug. 15.
    Fee: Westchester County residents: $350 per week; non-Westchester residents: $400 per week.

  • Grades 4 - 6: Creative Campers; six, one-week sessions, Monday, July 7 through Friday, Aug. 15.
    Fee: Westchester County residents: $350 per week; non-Westchester residents: $400 per week.

  • Grades 7 - 9: Exploring Campers; two, two-week sessions, Monday, July 14 through Friday, July 25 and Monday, July 28 through Friday, Aug. 8.
    Fee: Westchester County residents and non-residents: $750 per two-weeks each with optional, included campout.
Read Nature Camp
Nature camps at Edith G. Read Wildlife Sanctuary include six weeks of gathering seashells, building forts from bamboo stalks, catching crabs and more. 
  • Grades 1 - 3: Shoreline Explorers; six, one-week sessions, Monday, July 7 through Friday, Aug. 15. Weekly themes: Meet the Creatures and Their World; Create Habitats from the Natural World; Intertidal Zone: Sand, Shells and Seawater; The World of Bamboo; Exploring the Water and the Living Shoreline; Read Sanctuary – Where Everything Connects.
    Fee: Westchester County residents: $350 per week; non-Westchester residents: $400 per week.

  • Grades 4 - 6: Forest Fanatics; six, one-week sessions, Monday, July 7 through Friday, Aug. 15. Weekly themes: Meet the Creatures and Their World; Create Habitats from. the Natural World; Intertidal Zone: Sand, Shells and Seawater; The World of Bamboo; Exploring the Water and the Living Shoreline; Read Sanctuary – Where Everything Connects.
    Fee: Westchester County residents: $350 per week; non-Westchester residents: $400 per week.

  • Grades 7 - 9: Science Scholars; five, one-week sessions, Monday, July 7 through Friday, Aug. 8. Weekly themes: Meet the Ecosystems; Connections – Soil, Water, Air, Animals and Plants; Hands-on Data: Creature Observation; Conservation Project – A bridge to the Natural World; Team Building Through Nature Games and Activities.
    Fee: Westchester County residents: $350 per week; non-Westchester residents: $400 per week.
Lenoir Nature Camp
Through hands-on experiences, campers entering grades one through six will explore the earth and all her treasures. Lenoir Nature Camp engages campers’ explorations through a combination of arts and crafts, nature study, outdoor skills, and cooperative games in each one-week session. Conservationists-in-Training learn about ecological stewardship and leadership through hands-on experiences and projects.
  • Grades 1 - 3: Leaping Frogs; six, one-week sessions, Monday, July 7 through Friday, Aug. 15. Weekly themes: Insects and Invertebrates, Marvelous Mammals, Earth Elements, All About Birds, Plant Power, Beneath Your Feet.
    Fee: Westchester County residents: $350 per week; non-Westchester residents: $400 per week.

  • Grades 4 - 6: Clever Coyotes; six, one-week sessions, Monday, July 7 through Friday, Aug. 15. Weekly themes: Insects and Invertebrates, Marvelous Mammals, Earth Elements, All About Birds, Plant Power, Beneath Your Feet.
    Fee: Westchester County residents: $350 per week; non-Westchester residents: $400 per week.

  • Grades 7 - 9: Conservationists-in-Training; one, one-week session from Monday, Aug. 11 through Friday, Aug. 15.
    Fee: Westchester County residents: $350 per week; non-Westchester residents: $400 per week.
Marshlands Nature Camp
Marshlands Conservancy’s Nature Expeditions Camp will focus on searching for natural wonders within the habitats of Marshlands. Campers will take topic-oriented “expeditions” as they explore the world of insects, plants, mammals, salt-marsh life and other wonders of nature.
Eagles Outdoor Skills Program: For grades 7 - 9 we are offering a three-day session introducing basic outdoor survival skills. Topics covered will include principles of survival shelter, fire-making methods, knife use and safety, making cordage from plants, purifying water, awareness and observation skills, camp craft, and more.
  • Grades 1 - 3: Falcons; five, one-week sessions, Monday, July 8 through Friday, Aug. 9.
    Fee: Westchester County residents: $350 per week; non-Westchester residents: $400 per week.

  • Grades 4 - 6: Hawks; five, one-week sessions, Monday, July 8 through Friday, Aug. 9.
    Fee: Fee: Westchester County residents: $350 per week; non-Westchester residents: $400 per week.

  • Grades 7 - 9: Eagles; one, three-day session, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Aug. 12, 13 and 14. Fee includes all supplies used in camp plus optional take-homes such as a cook pot, fire striker, etc.
    Fee: Westchester County residents: $325 and non-Westchester residents: $350.
Trailside Nature Camp
Delve into the world of nature at Trailside Nature Camp located in Ward Pound Ridge Reservation – the largest Westchester County park. Sessions are offered for youngsters from Pre-K to those entering grade nine with activities including on-location visits to archaeological sites, crayfish catching, nature games, art and much more.
  • Pre-K (ages 4 - 5): Adventurers; six, one-week sessions, 9 a.m. to 11:45 a.m., Monday, July 7 through Friday, Aug. 15. Must be potty-trained.
    Fee: Westchester County residents and non-residents: $175 per week.

  • Grades 1 - 2: Park Rangers; six, one-week sessions, Monday, July 7 through Friday, Aug. 15.
    Fee: Westchester County residents: $350 per week; non-Westchester residents: $400 per week.

  • Grades 3 - 5: Naturalists; six, one-week sessions, Monday, July 7 through Friday, Aug. 15.
    Fee: Westchester County residents: $350 per week; non-Westchester residents: $400 per week.

  • Grades 6 - 9: Conservationists; two, two-week sessions, each with optional campout, Monday, July 7 through, Friday, July 18 and Monday, July 21 through Friday, Aug. 1.
    Fee: $750 per two-weeks.